Weather Information Network

We provide live weather broadcasts via audio streams, forecast text products, gadgets and storm warnings for the entire Nation.

Our mission is to bring Live Broadcasts to all sectors of the Nation via the internet. Also to provide the latest severe warnings, winter storms, flash floods, flood advisories, hurricane advisories, tornado warnings, and Hurricane Tracking in a real-time manner.

Our First Live Broadcast:

We started our first broadcast as Hurricane Georges was headed towards Puerto Rico. We established telephone contact with a person living on the Island and brought her voice live around the nation, before and during the hurricane. We had lost communication with her as the storm passed through her area, knocking out all power and telephone lines.

The anxious residents of Florida, watched this storm very closely, as it had all the characteristics of making it's way to Florida's mainland, and that it did, only a few days later.

The TV stations in Miami, Florida went to 24 hour coverage of Hurricane Georges. During this nerve-racking time, we contacted CBS Channel 4 in Miami, and spoke with the News Director about doing a simulcast over the internet of their live coverage, for they did not have the means to broadcast live video over the internet. This being said, they quickly agreed to allow us to carry their feed. We started broadcasting their coverage with hourly updates from our staff. It was a success and best of all Hurricane Georges spared Florida his fury as he moved into the Gulf of Mexico.

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